Kick-start your career in Cybersecurity Field with

2 min readJul 6, 2021


In April 2020 I’ve got into hacking due to the pandemic as Everything in the world stopped running but not my spirit in learning new things like Hacking and this was made possible by a lot of CTFs and my beloved CTF team with whom I participated dozens of CTFs in 6 months span as my Undergrad studies were halted and the semester was cancelled. A lot of time was available to spare and during this time so I utilized it on CTFs and then I got introduced to TryHackMe where I was amazed to see the different fun ways of learning to hack.

Recently they’ve introduced a Cybersecurity Fundamentals Path so out of curiosity I speed ran through all the content in an hour or so this refreshed my dusted brain and revived the knowledge buried I recommended this new Pre security path if you’re new to this field and want to learn from scratch. This is the opportunity to begin. this path covers all networking basics, web basics, Linux and Windows Fundamentals in an Interactive way

According to my experience, I’ve already recommended a lot of people who came to me asking which course was better in Udemy what would you choose to begin in hacking. My one-liner was to go and Sign up in TryHackMe.

Learning Paths

There are several learning paths for everyone in this field no matter who you are so go get started at TryHackMe complete the new PreSecurity path and begin your journey in Cybersecurity

Join their discord community at:

Happy Hacking…

